Monday, 4 May 2009


So I think Spring started back around Mothering Sunday, in late March, if this photo on the day in Hampstead is anything to go by.

We were even able to sit comfortably outside Chaiwalla, where Tom, Dan and I took Jacqui for tea.

Excellent chai, second-rate samosas. We ordered two rounds of each (hungry) and I took home two clay cups (allowed). Would def. stop by for the tea again...

But late March really put on a show... much so, I thought this excellent cherry tree deserved a hug.

That same week I spotted interesting houseboats docking along the Thames path where I run at lunchtime, near work... more amazing spring petalling going on along my walk to the bus.

Now, this was part of a detour I took in Richmond a few days ago. It already felt rather fairytale...

...and then the path abruptly ended at this metal gate. How Secret Garden is that? It turns out to be Petersham Gardens, which is open 11-4 today, as a very prosaic plastic-encased sign told me when I peered thru the bars.

And on the way back, I noticed my New Year's Eve friend 'dipping down to drink' had sprouted a 'fro. There's an incredible amount of green in all shades busting out everywhere - reminds me v much of spring 2005, when we landed in London...