Monday, 13 October 2008

I'm in the New York Times!

Well, I'm quoted in this article, anyway. Right in the beginning, too. Shame they thought I was a guy, based on my name, but still. Thanks to my pal Alicia for the heads-up, b/c I didn't know my email response would be quoted, and I was in Austria on the company weekend holiday when the story was published last Friday.

Shoo, already. Go see!


Georges Rouan said...

What do you expect ? it is the NY Times for Gods sake, a paper that has a long history of being biased and making errors. But congrats on being almost famous...see you in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, get you, all famous now!

Cara said...

I only just saw this post - very exciting! Even if your male doppleganger is getting all the credit! x